Publications : santé et vieillissement

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Trends in Social Security Incentives in Belgium

LEFEBVRE Mathieu, FRAIKIN Anne Lore, JOUSTEN Alain, A. Borsch-Supan and C. Coile, Social Security and Retirement around the World: the effects of reforms on retirement behavior

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Living labs and innovation commons in health care ecosystems: The case of Institut TransMedTech (iTMT) in Montreal

TREMBLAY Nathalie, COHENDET Patrick, CYR G., MANENT M., SIMON Laurent, FAURE M.-P., AUBIN C.-E., Routledge


Social security and retirement around the world: lessons from a long-term collaboration

LEFEBVRE Mathieu, Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 24 (1), 8-30.


Les discordances d’enquête. Circuler dans l’entourage de personnes suivies pour une maladie d’Alzheimer

BELIARD Aude, GRAMAIN Agnès, WEBER Florence, Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, 152, 41-60.


Innovation collaborative entre startups et hôpitaux : vers un modèle conceptuel fondé sur la théorie de la proximité

BERTIN Clarice, PIAT Bertram, 12ème Colloque ARAMOS - Association de Recherche Appliquée au Management des Organisations de Santé, 21-22 novembre 2024, Nantes, 18 p.


Missing poor in the US

LEFEBVRE Mathieu, PESTIEAU Pierre, PONTHIÈRE Grégory, The Journal of Economic Inequality, 22, 865-891.


Macroepidemics and unconventional monetary policy : Coupling macroeconomics and epidemiology in a financial DSGE-SIR

ACURIO VASCONEZ Veronica, DAMETTE Olivier, SHANAFELT David, BETA, Macroeconomics Department Seminar


Macroepidemics and unconventional monetary policy : Coupling macroeconomics and epidemiology in a financial DSGE-SIR

ACURIO VASCONEZ Veronica, DAMETTE Olivier, SHANAFELT David, Pandemic Modeling Forum George Mason University